What is required of the servants of the Lord?
"Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2) As servants of the Lord, we are required to be faithful and trustworthy (from the footnotes). It’s very simple really, our purpose for being here is- putting our faith in the Jesus Christ, being faithful and trustworthy, living by His example, and serving others.
Who is specifically selected to be examples? How does being a good example apply to more than this group?
Paul said “I think that God hath set forth us the apostles last, as it were appointed to death: for we are made a spectacle unto the world.." (1 Corinthians 4:9–17)
Although Paul was speaking of the apostles and prophets, I think that being an example pertains to all who have faith in Jesus Christ who serve others in His name. To share the words of Elder Jeffrey Holland, “Beyond my words and teachings and spoken witness, my life must be a part of that testimony of Jesus. My very being should reflect the divinity of this work. I could not bear it if anything I might ever say or do would in any way diminish your faith in Christ, your love for this church, or the esteem in which you hold the holy apostleship.”(“Miracles of the Restoration,” Gen Conf, Oct 1994).
Why is it not enough just to know what is right?
"Suffer not yourself to be led away by any vain or foolish thing; suffer not the devil to lead away your heart again…” (Alma 39:11) We are given commandments to live by and are taught right from wrong, but if we do not live by what we know is right, we will fall to temptation, and be led astray. Also, it is our responsibility to teach our children and to teach others who may not have someone to show them the way. "Command thy children to do good, lest they lead away the hearts of many people” (Alma 39:12)
What additional power comes to those who live what they know?
"And now it came to pass that according to our record, and we know our record to be true, for behold, it was a just man who did keep the record—“ (3 Nephi 8:1)
As we read the scriptures and the records that have been passed down from the prophets, we trust in the power of their words because they lived what they knew. They were not just preaching, they believed in Jesus Christ and in His Gospel, and lived their lives as an example for others. By living what we know, we have the power to share the knowledge we’ve gained with future generations. They will see the light of Christ in us and will have believe the words we share with them, because they see us living them. If, however, we do not teach our children and future generations, and share this knowledge with them, we fail them, ourselves, and our Savior. We have a job to do; we have knowledge to share; we are to be examples to others; and with that comes the power of serving others and the blessings that follow.