Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-9)

This week, I will talk about the events that occurred when Jesus took Peter, James and John with him up to the Mount of Transfiguration. These events are of significance importance in establishing the Kingdom of Heaven here on earth. This happened about a week after Peter had been told that he would receive the keys of the kingdom of heaven, (Matthew 16:19). As promised, Jesus, with Moses and Elias presented the priesthood keys to Peter, James and John.

What significant events occurred on the Mount of Transfiguration?

Jesus took Peter, James and John with him high on the mountain There He was transfigured, "... his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light" (Matthew 17:1-2)
The transfigured prophets, Moses and Elias appeared and were conversing with the Savior. (Matthew 17:3) In this passage, Moses and Elias, bestowed Peter, James and John with the priesthood keys- Moses, giving them the keys of the gathering of Israel; and Elias, the keys of the sealing power. (Institute Student Manual, pp. 103)
The Father spoke and proclaimed Jesus Christ as "my beloved son in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him". (Matthew 17:5, 2 Peter 1:16-18) As was witnessed at Jesus’ baptism, we have further testimony that the Father and Son are two separate beings.
Jesus conversed with Moses and Elias about his death and resurrection (Luke 9:31)
In the last day, the earth will be transfigured as Jesus was transfigured on the mount. (D&C 63:21) 

In the Bible Dictionary, we read: “The event is important in many ways: Necessary priesthood authority was conferred upon Peter, James, and John; the significance of the Savior’s work was emphasized; and the unity of various dispensations and the close relationship of Jesus and His prophets was demonstrated. Few events in the Bible equal it in importance."

In what ways would this experience have prepared the three Apostles for the responsibilities they would soon have as leaders of the Church?  The experiences on the mount prepared Peter, James and John for their responsibilities by showing them the significance of their mission as leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ. They’d witnessed the Father’s voice, confirming that Jesus was His beloved Son, and that they should follow Him. Through the transfiguration of Jesus, they experienced the relationship Jesus had with Moses and Elias in that and future dispensations, and the importance in completing the work that was to be done. Upon receiving priesthood keys, they would be able to continue Jesus’ work her on earth.

In doing further research, I found an article in which Larry E. Dahl, associate professor of Church history and doctrine, BYU, states, "Moses, Elijah, John the Baptist, and perhaps others appeared to Peter, James, and John on the Mount of Transfiguration, where the “keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 16:19) were conferred upon them. There is evidence that they also were endowed with power from on high and instructed in the affairs of the kingdom of God." (Ensign, "Who appeared to Peter, James, and John on the Mount of Transfiguration? What was the purpose of their appearance?" Apr 1983)

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