Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Proper Authority and Ministering to the People- Acts 19-20

What were some of the Priesthood ordinances performed by Paul in Acts 19 & 20?
  • Baptizing by immersion, in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 19:3-4)
  • Bestowing the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands (Acts 19:6)
  • Performing the miracles of healing and exorcism (Acts19:12)
  • Blessing and partaking of the Sacrament (Acts 20:7)
  • Bringing life unto the dead (Acts 20:10)
What did Paul do for the Corinthian saints because it hadn’t been done right the first time?
When Paul came to Ephesus, he found that the people had been baptized by John, but that it was a “baptism of repentance,” and John had told them “that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.” Upon hearing this, Paul baptized them in the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 19:3-4)

How does this help answer the question many nonmembers have about the need of being baptized when they have already been baptized?

When I was an infant, I was baptized in the Catholic Church. It is believed that all were born with original sin, so they must be baptized to be able to enter the kingdom of God. It is also believed that baptizing someone twice is not necessary as long as the person was baptized “in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (or in the trinitarian formula). However, this baptism wasn’t by full immersion. (D&C 20:73–74)

Because of this, I was confused, somewhat, when I was investigating the Church. I had many conversations with my husband (who is my personal missionary), and the other missionaries who were teaching me. We read many scriptures together, and there was much praying. Finally, with guidance from the Spirit, the answers came to me, and I was baptized. I understood that this sacred covenant needed to be performed as Jesus Christ had instructed, by immersion, and that it must be done by one with priesthood authority.  

In what way did Paul bestow the gift of the Holy Ghost?
Paul bestowed the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of hands (Acts 19:6)

On what day of the week did the saints meet to break bread? 
The saints would meet to break bread on the first day of the week (known as the Sabbath, or the Lord’s Day).

What evidence is there in John 20:1, 19 for why the Sabbath day was changed?

The Sabbath was changed from the last day of the week to the first in honor of the works of God: the Creation, the liberation of Israel and the Resurrection of our Savior (BD-Sabbath)

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